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The Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Library
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The Pearl of Wisdom
"Wisdom Study Version"
by His Holiness, M. R. Bawa Muhaiyadddeen
(may God be pleased with Him, and with Us)
- Original Version -
"Bawa and The Bridge-keeper"
(putting You back in God)
Go To "Wisdom Study Versions":
Go To "Wisdom Outline" of "Original Version" of Chapter 39
Go To: "Wisdom Review" of "Original Version" of Chapter 39
His Holiness Teaches His Children:
“Bawa should you not always be as calm and as patient as the spring-water?
"Bawa, always be patient. This world is evil and quarrelsome.
"Those born on the earth have many flaws. It is to reform them and to direct them on the good path, that Allah has created the rare pearls of wisdom. All right,
"Bawa, do not lose your patience.
"Beyond this point, I have no right to proceed. I shall leave you now.”
Amidst more soothing words, the Bridge – Keeper tried to leave.
“What is this?
"You spoke such pleasant words and now you bid me farewell ! You are leaving me alone! Let us continue to talk a little more.”
“I cannot proceed even a foot further. This is my boundary. The person who brought you here will come now and guide you beyond this point. This is his territory.”
With these words the Bridge-Keeper disappeared.
Guru lamented:
“Oh ! What is this? He has left without saying another word !”
As the Guru turned and took a step, he saw Theiwaani and her husband talking to each other.
Go To "Wisdom Study Versions":
Go To "Wisdom Outline" of "Original Version" of Chapter 39
Go To: "Wisdom Review" of "Original Version" of Chapter 39